Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One Week

Well my two weeks of planned downtime turned into one. I needed a run tonight so I went and did my track workout (mile repeats, woohoo!). 8 miles total, first run of September. I'm glad I took the week off, but I was going antsy and wasn't going to make it to two anyway! :) I guess that's a good thing. I won't jump into high mileage though; I think I will just run what I feel until Victoria.

Still trying to figure out a race plan for 2011. I want a spring 50-miler but there aren't many nearby options. I might do Chuckanut 50k in March and then Mt. Si 50 mile in April. Aside from that I'm not sure... I'm looking for tougher 50k/50 mile races as training runs for CCC. Tenderfoot may be an option in May, but given the major trouble they had this year, I'm a little wary of running it until they work out the kinks. We'll see! Meanwhile, I'll keep looking and pondering. :)


  1. Getting back to the point where you really want to run again is the whole point of time off, in my opinion. Enjoy. :)
