Sunday, September 12, 2010


This was a good running week! I am glad that I took the previous week off. And as of today, 2010 is officially my biggest mileage year ever! (peanuts to some of you, but I'm currently sitting at 1051 miles--1692km--for the year... and it's only September!)

Mile repeats at the track. 4 repeats plus warm-up, cool-down, and recovery laps gave me 8 miles.

12 mile trail run with the puppy. One bear spotted (just a baby but mama was nearby, as verified by a walker I spoke with a few minutes later). I added in an extra steep switchback in the interests of not being lazy!

20 mile long run, paved. It started out rough, with shin splints, side stitches, and general exhaustion. I wanted to turn around at the 1 mile mark... and the 2 mile mark... and the 3 mile mark... but I pressed through and by the 5th mile started to feel a lot better. Ended up with a great negative split and several miles done at marathon pace. 3:42 overall, which I'm quite happy with.

Total: 40 miles. Only three runs, but they were all high-quality and I'm feeling good. :)

Here is a pic from my long run today... it was pouring the entire time, but really pretty and peaceful in the valley:

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