Monday, September 27, 2010

the pros show us what ultra running is all about

Scott Dunlap's account of this past weekend's Flagline 50k documents how much class and spirit the guys at the front of the ultra running community really have. I don't know any other sport like this.

Sounds like a great race, too... I will have to keep it in mind for next fall!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Catching up

I guess it's been two weeks since my last post! That's mainly because one of those weeks involved NO running at all. Unlike the previous rest week, this one was unintentional, but I guess I needed it. My jobs lately have been leaving me feeling pretty swamped and tired!

Even so, last Sunday I got out for an awesome hike with some friends; we did all three peaks of the Stawamus Chief, about 7 miles total. It can be done in 3-4 hours but we took 5 because we really took our time with photos and enjoying the day. It was great! :)

View from the second peak:

That brings us to the past week.

5km, relaxed, with the puppy. I needed to stretch out my legs, which were quite sore from the hike!

Track work - mile repeats, like last time.
Including warm-up, cool-down, and recovery laps, 8 miles total.

This started with a group hike up Larsen trail (one of the many trails that goes up Grouse Mountain). It's about 4km to the top, and we took our time to accommodate the group. From there I ran down the gravel road to mountain highway, then home for a total of 13.5 miles. It was the first time I'd run the length of that gravel road, and it was much longer than I had thought! This loop would be an awesome training run for White River. ;)

Meant to do a long run today but I was feeling pretty trashed so I opted instead for 10 miles at marathon pace, which gave me 1:44-ish. My legs felt really tired, but the run went well.

Total of 34.5 miles for the week... no great amount but I'm happy with the quality.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


This was a good running week! I am glad that I took the previous week off. And as of today, 2010 is officially my biggest mileage year ever! (peanuts to some of you, but I'm currently sitting at 1051 miles--1692km--for the year... and it's only September!)

Mile repeats at the track. 4 repeats plus warm-up, cool-down, and recovery laps gave me 8 miles.

12 mile trail run with the puppy. One bear spotted (just a baby but mama was nearby, as verified by a walker I spoke with a few minutes later). I added in an extra steep switchback in the interests of not being lazy!

20 mile long run, paved. It started out rough, with shin splints, side stitches, and general exhaustion. I wanted to turn around at the 1 mile mark... and the 2 mile mark... and the 3 mile mark... but I pressed through and by the 5th mile started to feel a lot better. Ended up with a great negative split and several miles done at marathon pace. 3:42 overall, which I'm quite happy with.

Total: 40 miles. Only three runs, but they were all high-quality and I'm feeling good. :)

Here is a pic from my long run today... it was pouring the entire time, but really pretty and peaceful in the valley:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One Week

Well my two weeks of planned downtime turned into one. I needed a run tonight so I went and did my track workout (mile repeats, woohoo!). 8 miles total, first run of September. I'm glad I took the week off, but I was going antsy and wasn't going to make it to two anyway! :) I guess that's a good thing. I won't jump into high mileage though; I think I will just run what I feel until Victoria.

Still trying to figure out a race plan for 2011. I want a spring 50-miler but there aren't many nearby options. I might do Chuckanut 50k in March and then Mt. Si 50 mile in April. Aside from that I'm not sure... I'm looking for tougher 50k/50 mile races as training runs for CCC. Tenderfoot may be an option in May, but given the major trouble they had this year, I'm a little wary of running it until they work out the kinks. We'll see! Meanwhile, I'll keep looking and pondering. :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pre-emptive downtime

After reading and pondering the feedback from my previous post, I've decided to in fact take a couple of weeks completely off of running. The OCD side of me is not happy with this (what about my monthly and yearly mileage totals?! lol), but I think it's for the best! I'd rather rest now by choice than keep pushing and end up injured or burned out.

I still plan to run Victoria, but without expectations or pressure.

And then I will decide on an ultra plan for 2011!

Thank you to those of you who gave feedback; I definitely appreciate it!